
To play, you need a tagger aka the monster and the monster’s goal is to the other players and tag them. When the monster tags you, you go to the jail (a place you decided) another player needs to tag the other player who is in the jail and the player in jail gets 5 Mississippi seconds to escape. If where you are playing in an area that has a dangerous place and people approach that area you can call “no tagging allowed in that area!” If everybody or some people stay in the area for too long, tell them to stay in the area for about 9 Mississippi seconds. Now you know the RULES of the game.

Credits: Mr. Lion, Adventurous A, Miss Unicorn, Wesome W (Awesome A changed his name to Wesome W), Y agent, the SSR crew (just joined the group), and WordPress


One response

  1. “This is mostly credited to Adventurous A and the SSR crew for creating this page but the game was invented by all of the people who were credited.” This is really funny 🤣😂😂

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I am 8 and 1/2 years old, I love adventures and dangerous things, I have a  YouTube channel (click on YouTube channel.) This website is made to promote my channel so subscribe. Ring the notification bell and like all my videos.  I have  the best parents and grandparents. Mr. Lion is a great friend of mine. Oh and I am allergic to tree nuts and pollen. I also used to have asthma.

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About Adventurous A!

I am 8 and 1/2 years old, I love adventures and dangerous things, I have a  YouTube channel (click on YouTube channel.) This website is made to promote my channel so subscribe. Ring the notification bell and like all my videos.  I have  the best parents and grandparents. Mr. Lion is a great friend of mine. Oh and I am allergic to tree nuts and pollen. I also used to have asthma.

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