
On 3/30/2021, I was in Poconos and my grandma wanted to go hiking for the first time. I also wanted to go hiking because I never went on any trail in Poconos. I left the house with my grandma and I went past three stop signs and in the last one a security guard (sec) pulled us over, me and my grandma thought it was a police so we got scared and started going BONKERS. Because we were going bonkers we couldn’t think. You may ask who is this we, well we is my grandma and me. Wait…… what Adventurous A was going bonkers? YES, the sec asked for the license my grandma had and she was SHAKING real hard as she gave the license. Then after he checked the license, he need the Poconos community insurance but my grandma thought he wanted the regular insurance because she thought the sec was a police. So when she gave the regular insurance the sec said not this, my grandma freaked out so much that she called my dad her son. In a few minutes she told the sec “I called my son and he said he is coming.” The sec said “No, this is between me and you, you don’t need to involve your son.” But my grandma didn’t take that well “But I want to involve him.” she said The sec saw what he needed before my dad came so I went to the trail and I called my dad saying “Hey Dad no need to come and it is totally fine.”

When we got to the trail we started going and even though we are North from the equator and the rainforests the trees were lush green and beautiful. Right when the trail started there was a little hump and I went down the hump with no problem but when my grandma went on the top of the hump she needed my hand and she really was scared. But she was part of an adventurous family she needed to do this with no help. I really wanted to help her but I told myself to not. I went where my grandma was and got back up on the hump and showed her a strategy to get down, after that strategy she was down in no time. A few minutes later I saw the thing that scared my grandma the most was a not too steep hill. I got so excited because I remembered the camelback mountain in Arizona. I knew the strategy and I was down my grandma was like let’s go back now. But I was like you need to get me down before I could go to the car. Then I realized that if she goes down the regular way she could get real hurt and I came up and showed her the way of getting down. A few miles later I saw a river and I went down to wet my hands but my grandma got scared so I had to stay up.

When we were at the end I was so tired I asked my grandma if we got food she said we got oranges I got happy because oranges are my favorite so I ate them. At the car I was exhausted and we were going back to the house we rented at the Poconos community. There were nine more minutes to go but my grandma took a wrong turn and it made nine into twenty six more minutes. We got home and I told the whole story to my parents and they said to write this in my website. This is the end of Poconos hiking.

7 Responses

  1. I am the luckiest grandma of Adventurous A
    Thanks Adventurous A to take with you for Hiking . We really had lots of fun. I am the luckiest grandma to have Adventurous A : With him I have I learnt so many tricks and tips for hiking. The river was excellent and awesome I love the river and your love for nature. You are also right that the trail looked like the Amazon rainforest!

    • Thanks Dadi (grandma) for this comment I loved it! This was really fun to be with you. Both of us had the best time and the best bonkerness.

  2. So nice to read all about your crazy adventures! You truly are the most adventurous kid I’ve ever met. Love seeing you explore and learn new things on your own. Looking forward to many more of these blogs. I can’t wait to come there and spend all my time with you this summer!!

    • Thanks FIFI for the nice words and I can’t wait to show you how to post blogs this summer!!!

  3. Adventurous A very proud to read n thrilled also , how u ppl enjoyed n had great fun out of it, i hope u keep doing such thrills with your grandma n also with your parents, wish u all the best n keep going

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About Adventurous A!

I am 8 and 1/2 years old, I love adventures and dangerous things, I have a  YouTube channel (click on YouTube channel.) This website is made to promote my channel so subscribe. Ring the notification bell and like all my videos.  I have  the best parents and grandparents. Mr. Lion is a great friend of mine. Oh and I am allergic to tree nuts and pollen. I also used to have asthma.

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About Adventurous A!

I am 8 and 1/2 years old, I love adventures and dangerous things, I have a  YouTube channel (click on YouTube channel.) This website is made to promote my channel so subscribe. Ring the notification bell and like all my videos.  I have  the best parents and grandparents. Mr. Lion is a great friend of mine. Oh and I am allergic to tree nuts and pollen. I also used to have asthma.

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