Right before 4th grade I found out I love history especially American […]
I used html 5 to create this page. Html is a easier […]
Everybody knows what books are but do they know how they are […]
 This presentation is about clouds. Learn about them you think you know […]
My app/game is called bullseye. It took me 5 and 1/2 days […]
What is the world famous Statue of liberty in NYC (New York […]
Aztec Symbol
What are Aztecs? Read this to find out The Aztecs Aztecs were […]
I hated kayaking. Kayaking was terrible until today, 4/3/2021, I was in […]
Adventurous A Youtube
Welcome to the Adventurous A News and today we have great videos […]
Can you crack this code? If you think you got it write […]
On 3/30/2021, I was in Poconos and my grandma wanted to go […]
Credited: Edureka
What is EH (ethical hacking)? We first need to see what hacking […]

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